Where to find us in Fairfield, Iowa
Now available
Fairfield, IA: Cans at Bountiful Bakery, Breadtopia, Cafe Paradisio, Due South, Everbody’s Whole Foods, Fishback and Stephenson Cider House
Fairfield, IA: On tap at Cafe Paradisio, Fishback and Stephenson Cider House and Due South
Iowa City: Cans at University of Iowa Hospital, Bread Garden Market, New Pioneer Coop, Waterfront HyVee, Wilson’s Orchard and Farm, Film Scene and The Green Room, Prairie Lights Cafe
Iowa City: On tap at The Green Room and Film Scene
Coralville: New Pioneer Coop
Cedar Rapids: New Pioneer Coop
Cedar Falls: New Dawn Yoga
Solon: Big Grove Brewery
Des Moines: Big Grove Brewery
North Carolina: Yonder Daily Market